Post by Lynnrose on Nov 25, 2009 11:39:40 GMT
Observation test
...and don't give the game away to the next posters I failed, lol
Post by mikkh on Nov 25, 2009 12:26:22 GMT
OK I admit it, I failed.
I'm only flesh and blood, a mere mortal with human frailties - and yes I also admit I love Marmite and don't get my 'five a day' too often, but really, there is no excuse and I am destined to wander the Earth forever humbled by the day I failed the test.
If only I'd gone to bed earlier last night, if only I'd decided not to wear tight underwear today, if only I'd taken more notice of the strange dream I had that felt so real. Yes it was a warning, but I was too blind to see, too wrapped up in my own self delusions - oh woe is me..... woe is me
Post by phoney on Nov 25, 2009 13:00:03 GMT
FAILED also. That is good
Post by collegerosco on Nov 25, 2009 13:06:10 GMT
I'm afraid I failed miserably! I expect I'll have more company soon!
Post by Roz on Nov 25, 2009 17:29:06 GMT
Post by elvisuk on Nov 26, 2009 1:30:06 GMT
I failed and i have not tried so dose that mean i won and if so what did i win?